And if you are still in shock over last week's victory, maybe you want to check out Barack Obama's Flickr page ( and see all the behind the scenes action?
Also, it seems that the basic links on the top of my blog are gone...any ideas all you experts out there? and my photos are appearing as html...I need a techie!!!!
I am still in awe of last night's election results. I mean, Michigan voting in favor of Medical Marijuana...who would have believed this was possible?
But seriously, how amazing that Barack Obama will be the next President? I mean seriously! And the fact that both Colorado and Indiana went Democratic is amazing!!! (Thanks Ally and Elizabeth).
Last night I went to an election program on "the issues" at the Synagogue where I teach on Tuesday nights, all set to play Devil's advocate and argue for the war in Iraq. I went thinking that even though the program would go until 8, that it would be much later than that when the results of the election would be clear and I would watch it unfold expectantly with everyone else later in the night.
Afterall, 4 years ago I was at an election party that seemed to stretch long because we kept seeing Kerry's lead eroding and Bush's victory looming over us.
But even on my way in at 6pm, I was listening to NPR who was interviewing a reporter in Virginia about the possible outcome in that State, when they had to interrupt their own broadcast to say that Obama had won Virginia didn't matter.
In retrospect I wonder why the media made it seem like this would be such a close race? Perhaps because they were afraid of calling the outcome wrong. But 349 to 163 seems miraculous and an incredible landslide victory. 2 Hours after I left to teach I was listening to McCain's Concession speech.
Today even Condoleeza Rice was getting emotional...kind of:
And why not, after Obama's moving speech last night, the only question comes at 5 min. and 52 seconds in....
What kind of puppy are his daughters going to get?
One of my favorite stories comes from Obama, Japan who celebrated the win of their namesake in song. And while it's not in this report the chorus of the song was: "Obama is the Bomb-a"...catchy!
So, now we can rest happy. We can move on with our lives, content in the knowledge that next year things are going to change! Though I think the first few month of the Obama Presidency will be spent repealing Bush's last minute bills and laws, my least favorite part of the Presidential process.
And with your bank accounts no longer depleted by the Obama bid...maybe you can donate to other worthy my mustache (which I'm happy to report is coming in nicely)!!! And seriously, 826 Seattle is an amazing organization which is the only place I know of in Seattle that provides FREE after-school tutoring to children and promotes creative writing and creative expression.