Monday, January 28, 2008

The Decider Makes One Last Declaration

With George Bush's final State-of-the-Union address coming up tonight, I wonder how best to spend my time...should I turn on the T.V. and flip back and forth from the president's speech to search for the far more amusing commentary by Jon Stewart or Dennis Miller... I long for the days of The State of the Union Undressed... but then this president needs no help in making fun of himself. In fact, he can do it better than most comedians, to the extent that all the late night jockeys need to do is simply reference his antics and mannerisms to get laughs.

Take Jay Leno's exclusive interview for example:

I can only hope that in this final address, we get more beautiful linguistic gems such as these:

Will I be glued to the TV tonight? Probably not. Will I listen to the wrap-ups later, definitely. But if you're still not convinced that this monumental occasion needs to be immortalized in your memory; If you don't realize that this state of the union is something that the next generation will ask you about in 20 years... well, then listen to Brian Unger's Pitch for the Speech, and get in the spirit. Thanks NPR.

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